Tanuki_Bayashin’s diary


倒立振子のコード その1 変数の定義など



倒立振子に挑む - Tanuki_Bayashin’s diary

使用しているマイコンRaspberry Pi Pico と呼ばれるものです。
記述はC言語を用いています。(pico-SDK C/C++ という環境を使用しています)

ヘッダファイルの読み込み、マクロの定義、外部変数の定義 が続きます。


  • Picoの入出力に関連するもの
  • 倒立振子の動き(状態)に関するもの
  • カルマンフィルタと呼ばれる処理に関するもの
  • モーターに与える電圧を計算し出力するもの
  • その他使い勝手に関するもの





リスト1 ヘッダファイル、マクロの定義、外部変数の定義など

// File Name: InvertedPndulum05.c
// MPU board: Raspberry Pi Pico
// Accelerometer + Gyro sensor: MPU6050
// UART Device   : FT231X(Akizuki)
// Rotary Encoder: EC202A100A(Iwatsu Manufacturing)
// Motor Driver  : TA7291A(TOSHIBA)
// GPIO Devices  : 3 LEDs, 2 tactile switches
// A/D Converter is used (on Raspberry Pi Pico)
// 2023/01/31  written by @Tanuki_Bayashin
// This Program is to Control the Inverted Pendulum System.
// version 5.0

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "pico/stdlib.h"
#include "hardware/uart.h"

#include "pico/binary_info.h"
#include "hardware/gpio.h"
#include "hardware/pwm.h"
#include "hardware/adc.h"
#include "hardware/i2c.h"
#include "hardware/timer.h"

// Port Setting
// DigitalOut;
// I2C i2c(PB_9, PB_8);   //Gyro + Accelerometer (SDA, SCLK)
// Serial uart_usb(USBTX, USBRX); //UART (over USB)

#define UART_ID uart1
#define BAUD_RATE 115200 // 115200 / 8[bit] / (1/0.01[sec]) = 144 characters

#define UART_TX_PIN 8    //(GPIO8 #11)
#define UART_RX_PIN 9    //(GPIO9 #12)
#define PI 3.1415926535898
#define ONE_G 16383  // 2^14 - 1 = 16383

#define BUTTON_BLACK 18     // 黒のタクトsw Push -> ON
#define BUTTON_YELLOW 19    // 黄色のタクトsw Push -> ON
#define LED_RED 20          // RED LED
#define LED_GREEN 21        // GREEN LED
#define LED_YELLOW 22       // YELLOW LED
#define LED_PICO 25         // LED on the Pico

// By default these devices are on bus address 0x68
static int addr = 0x68;

// detect rotary encorder pulse
#define rotary_encorder_phaseA 14 // GP14(#19 Pin)
#define rotary_encorder_phaseB 15 // GP15(#20 Pin)

// PWM Modules
#define PIN_PWM0 12 //(GPIO12 #16Pin PWM_A[6])

// for Motor Driver IC (TA7291A TOSHIBA)
#define Motor_IN1 10 //(GPIO10 #14Pin)
#define Motor_IN2 11 //(GPIO11 #15Pin)

//Accelerometer and gyro statistical data
int16_t acceleration[3], gyro[3];
int16_t* temperature;
int sample_num = 1000;

float theta_mean;
float theta_variance;
float theta_dot_mean;
float theta_dot_variance;

float P_angle, P_angle_dot, P_angle_dot_ave;
float P_angle_dot_data[10] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
//Accelerometer and gyro offset
// variables for calculate offset
// for offset of accelaration
float acc_Y_offset = 0.0;
float acc_Z_offset = 0.0;
// for offset of angular velocity
float gyro_X_offset = 0.0;

//Rotary encoder variables
int rotary_encoder_update_rate = 25; //usec
int rotary_encoder_resolution = 100;
int phaseA, phaseB;
int code = 0;
int table[16] = { 0, 1, -1, 0,  -1, 0, 0, 1,  1, 0, 0, -1,  0, -1, 1, 0 };
float pre_theta2 = 0; // for calcurate W_angle_dot (interval 10ms (not 100ms))

int encoder_value = 0;
float W_angle[10];
float W_angle_dot;

// PWM to Mortor Voltage
// DATAs from a experiment
//float a_m = 349.94, b_m = -43.1673; // 最小二乗法による近似。プラスとマイナス
//float a_p = 343.34, b_p = 65.893;
float a_m = 323.17, b_m = -56.55; // 最小二乗法による近似。プラスとマイナス
float a_p = 334.15, b_p = 28.48;

int Motor_Mode = 0; // モーターが正転(2)か逆転(1)かSTOP(0)か
static pwm_config pwm0_slice_config;  // not used
uint pwm0_slice_num;

float V_offset_m = -0.15;
float V_offset_p = 0.2;

float volts;
int pwm_value;

// PWM to Mortor Voltage
// DATAs from a experiment
//feed back gain
float K[4] = { 28.37445212,  4.36987912,  0.13194284,  0.36487902 };

int count_esti = 0, count_encoder = 0, count_control = 0;
//Gain vector for the state feedback 
//(R=1000, Q = diag(1, 1, 10, 10), f=100Hz)
//float Gain[4] = { 29.87522919, 4.59857246, 0.09293, 0.37006248 };
float Gain[4] = { 32.17318922, 4.96845674, 0.29363568, 0.4401379 };

//Kalman filter (for P_angle estimation) variables
//Update rate
int theta_update_freq = 400; //Hz
float theta_update_interval = 0.0025; // (1.0 / (float)theta_update_freq

//State vector
//[[theta(degree)], [offset of theta_dot(degree/sec)]]
//float theta_data_predict[2][1];
float theta_data_predict[2][1] = { {1},{1} };
float theta_data[2][1];
//Covariance matrix
float P_theta_predict[2][2];
float P_theta[2][2];
//"A" of the state equation
float A_theta[2][2] = { {1, -0.0025}, {0, 1} }; // 0.0025: theta_update_interval

//"B" of the state equation
float B_theta[2][1] = { {0.0025}, {0} }; // 0.0025: theta_update_interval

//"C" of the state equation
float C_theta[1][2] = { {1, 0} };

//Kalman filter (for all system estimation) variables
//State vector
//[[theta1(rad)], [theta1_dot(rad/s)], [theta2(rad)]. [theta2_dot(rad/s)]]
float x_data_predict[4][1];
float x_data[4][1];
//Covariance matrix
float P_x_predict[4][4];
float P_x[4][4];
//"A" of the state equation (update freq = 100 Hz)
// for @Tanuki_Bayashin version
float A_x[4][4] = {
{ 1.00221,     1.00074e-02, 0.0, 4.74452e-05},
{ 4.42472e-01, 1.00221,     0.0, 9.40068e-03},
{-1.20179e-03,-4.02488e-06, 1.0, 9.71225e-03},
{-2.38120e-01,-1.20179e-03, 0.0, 9.43005e-01}
//"B" of the state equation (update freq = 100 Hz)
// for @Tanuki_Bayashin version
float B_x[4][1] = {
{ 1.85024e-03},
{ 3.66477e-01}
//"C" of the state equation (update freq = 100 Hz)
float C_x[4][4] = {
{1, 0, 0, 0},
{0, 1, 0, 0},
{0, 0, 1, 0},
{0, 0, 0, 1}
//measurement noise
float measure_variance_mat[4][4];
//System noise
#define voltage_error 0.01
float voltage_variance = voltage_error * voltage_error;

//Motor control variables
float feedback_rate = 0.01; //sec
struct repeating_timer timer_esti;
struct repeating_timer timer_encorder;
struct repeating_timer timer_control;
bool cancelled_esti;
bool cancelled_encorder;
bool cancelled_control;

//static uint32_t t_start = 0, t_end = 0;
static uint32_t t_start = 0, t_end = 0;

//variable for measurement data
//Kalman filter (all system) variables
float y_input[4][1];

float deg_rad_coeff = (3.14 * 3.14) / (180 * 180);
float encoder_error = 0.1 * 2 * 3.14 / 400.0;
float encoder_rate_error = 0.1 * 2 * 3.14 / 400.0 / 0.01;

