Tanuki_Bayashin’s diary


倒立振子のコード その4 カルマンフィルタに関する処理


倒立振子に挑む - Tanuki_Bayashin’s diary

使用しているマイコンRaspberry Pi Pico と呼ばれるものです。
記述はC言語を用いています。(pico-SDK C/C++ という環境を使用しています)






 倒立振子の本体の傾斜角と、傾斜角の測定値のオフセットを推定しています。main() 関数内にて2.5[ms] おきにタイマー割り込みにより、処理を呼び出しています。


リスト4 カルマンフィルタに関する処理の部分

//Kalman filter for "theta" & "theta_dot_bias" 
//It takes 410 usec. (Raspberry Pi Pico 125MHz, MPU6050)
bool theta_estimation(struct repeating_timer* t)
    // (2022/12/01)
    //detach the rotary encoder polling
    //cancelled_encorder = cancel_repeating_timer(&timer_encorder);

    //t_start = time_us_32();

    float y2;
    float theta_dot_gyro;
    float P_CT[2][1] = {};
    float tran_C_theta[2][1] = {};
    float G_temp1[1][1] = {};
    float G_temp2;
    float G[2][1] = {};
    float C_theta_theta[1][1] = {};
    float delta_y;
    float delta_theta[2][1] = {};
    float GC[2][2] = {};
    float I2[2][2] = { {1,0},{0,1} };
    float I2_GC[2][2] = {};
    float A_theta_theta[2][1] = {};
    float B_theta_dot[2][1] = {};
    float AP[2][2] = {};
    float APAT[2][2] = {};
    float tran_A_theta[2][2] = {};
    float BBT[2][2];
    float tran_B_theta[1][2] = {};
    float BUBT[2][2] = {};

    //measurement data
    y2 = get_P_angle(); //degree
    theta_dot_gyro = get_P_angle_dot(); //degree/sec

    //calculate Kalman gain: G = P'C^T(W+CP'C^T)^-1
    mat_tran(C_theta[0], tran_C_theta[0], 1, 2);//C^T
    mat_mul(P_theta_predict[0], tran_C_theta[0], P_CT[0], 2, 2, 2, 1);//P'C^T
    mat_mul(C_theta[0], P_CT[0], G_temp1[0], 1, 2, 2, 1);//CP'C^T
    G_temp2 = 1.0f / (G_temp1[0][0] + theta_variance);//(W+CP'C^T)^-1
    mat_mul_const(P_CT[0], G_temp2, G[0], 2, 1);//P'C^T(W+CP'C^T)^-1

    //theta_data estimation: theta = theta'+G(y-Ctheta')
    mat_mul(C_theta[0], theta_data_predict[0], C_theta_theta[0], 1, 2, 2, 1);//Ctheta'
    delta_y = y2 - C_theta_theta[0][0];//y-Ctheta'
    mat_mul_const(G[0], delta_y, delta_theta[0], 2, 1);
    mat_add(theta_data_predict[0], delta_theta[0], theta_data[0], 2, 1);

    //calculate covariance matrix: P=(I-GC)P'
    mat_mul(G[0], C_theta[0], GC[0], 2, 1, 1, 2);//GC
    mat_sub(I2[0], GC[0], I2_GC[0], 2, 2);//I-GC
    mat_mul(I2_GC[0], P_theta_predict[0], P_theta[0], 2, 2, 2, 2);//(I-GC)P'

    //predict the next step data: theta'=Atheta+Bu
    mat_mul(A_theta[0], theta_data[0], A_theta_theta[0], 2, 2, 2, 1);//Atheta
    mat_mul_const(B_theta[0], theta_dot_gyro, B_theta_dot[0], 2, 1);//Bu
    mat_add(A_theta_theta[0], B_theta_dot[0], theta_data_predict[0], 2, 1);//Atheta+Bu 

    //predict covariance matrix: P'=APA^T + BUB^T
    mat_tran(A_theta[0], tran_A_theta[0], 2, 2);//A^T 
    mat_mul(A_theta[0], P_theta[0], AP[0], 2, 2, 2, 2);//AP
    mat_mul(AP[0], tran_A_theta[0], APAT[0], 2, 2, 2, 2);//APA^T
    mat_tran(B_theta[0], tran_B_theta[0], 2, 1);//B^T
    mat_mul(B_theta[0], tran_B_theta[0], BBT[0], 2, 1, 1, 2);//BB^T
    mat_mul_const(BBT[0], theta_dot_variance, BUBT[0], 2, 2);//BUB^T
    mat_add(APAT[0], BUBT[0], P_theta_predict[0], 2, 2);//APA^T+BUB^T

    // (2022/12/01)
    //attach a timer for the rotary encoder (40 kHz)
    //add_repeating_timer_us(-25, rotary_encoder_check, NULL, &timer_encorder);

    //t_end = time_us_32() - t_start;

    return true;

void x_estimation() {

    //variables for Kalman gain calculation
    float theta1_dot_temp;
    float tran_C_x[4][4];
    float P_CT4[4][4];
    float G_temp14[4][4];
    float G_temp24[4][4];
    float G_temp24_inv[4][4];
    float G4[4][4];

    //variables for x_hat estimation
    float C_x_x[4][1];
    float delta_y4[4][1];
    float delta_x[4][1];

    //variables for covariance matrix calculation
    float GC4[4][4];
    float I4[4][4] = { {1, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 1} };
    float I4_GC[4][4];

    //variables for x prediction
    float Vin;
    float A_x_x[4][1];
    float B_x_Vin[4][1];

    //variables for covariance prediction
    float tran_A_x[4][4];
    float AP4[4][4];
    float AP4AT[4][4];
    float BBT4[4][4];
    float tran_B_x[1][4];
    float BUBT4[4][4];

    //measurement data
    //y_input[0][0] = theta_data[0][0] * 3.14f / 180.0f;
    y_input[0][0] = get_P_angle() * 3.14f / 180.0f; //radian
    theta1_dot_temp = get_P_angle_dot();
    y_input[1][0] = (theta1_dot_temp - theta_data[1][0]) * 3.14f / 180.0f;
    y_input[2][0] = encoder_value / 1074.0 * 3.141593f * 2.0;
    y_input[3][0] = (y_input[2][0] - pre_theta2) / feedback_rate;
    //y_input[2][0] = W_angle[0] * 3.14f / 180.0f;
    //    calculate_W_angle_dot();
    //    y[3][0] = W_angle_dot * 3.14f / 180;

    //calculate Kalman gain: G = P'C^T(W+CP'C^T)^-1
    mat_tran(C_x[0], tran_C_x[0], 4, 4);//C^T
    mat_mul(P_x_predict[0], tran_C_x[0], P_CT4[0], 4, 4, 4, 4);//P'C^T
    mat_mul(C_x[0], P_CT4[0], G_temp14[0], 4, 4, 4, 4);//CPC^T
    mat_add(G_temp14[0], measure_variance_mat[0], G_temp24[0], 4, 4);//W+CP'C^T
    mat_inv(G_temp24[0], G_temp24_inv[0], 4, 4);//(W+CP'C^T)^-1
    mat_mul(P_CT4[0], G_temp24_inv[0], G4[0], 4, 4, 4, 4); //P'C^T(W+CP'C^T)^-1

    //x_data estimation: x = x'+G(y-Cx')
    mat_mul(C_x[0], x_data_predict[0], C_x_x[0], 4, 4, 4, 1);//Cx'
    mat_sub(y_input[0], C_x_x[0], delta_y4[0], 4, 1);//y-Cx'
    mat_mul(G4[0], delta_y4[0], delta_x[0], 4, 4, 4, 1);//G(y-Cx')
    mat_add(x_data_predict[0], delta_x[0], x_data[0], 4, 1);//x'+G(y-Cx')

    //calculate covariance matrix: P=(I-GC)P'
    mat_mul(G4[0], C_x[0], GC4[0], 4, 4, 4, 4);//GC
    mat_sub(I4[0], GC4[0], I4_GC[0], 4, 4);//I-GC
    mat_mul(I4_GC[0], P_x_predict[0], P_x[0], 4, 4, 4, 4);//(I-GC)P'

    //predict the next step data: x'=Ax+Bu
    Vin = volts;
    if (volts > 3.3f)
        Vin = 3.3f;
    if (volts < -3.3f)
        Vin = -3.3f;
    mat_mul(A_x[0], x_data[0], A_x_x[0], 4, 4, 4, 1);//Ax_hat
    mat_mul_const(B_x[0], Vin, B_x_Vin[0], 4, 1);//Bu
    mat_add(A_x_x[0], B_x_Vin[0], x_data_predict[0], 4, 1);//Ax+Bu 

    //predict covariance matrix: P'=APA^T + BUB^T
    mat_tran(A_x[0], tran_A_x[0], 4, 4);//A^T
    mat_mul(A_x[0], P_x[0], AP4[0], 4, 4, 4, 4);//AP
    mat_mul(AP4[0], tran_A_x[0], AP4AT[0], 4, 4, 4, 4);//APA^T
    mat_tran(B_x[0], tran_B_x[0], 4, 1);//B^T
    mat_mul(B_x[0], tran_B_x[0], BBT4[0], 4, 1, 1, 4);//BB^T
    mat_mul_const(BBT4[0], voltage_variance, BUBT4[0], 4, 4);//BUB^T
    mat_add(AP4AT[0], BUBT4[0], P_x_predict[0], 4, 4);//APA^T+BUB^T


